We’re creating a world where every young person has a brighter future.
Alternative provision, Supported Accommodation (16+), Children’s Homes and pathways for young people.

We are Storyy Group
We work with local authorities, schools, teachers, parents and social-care institutes to engage young people in learning and put them on the path to an incredible future. By tapping into children’s interests, we’re able to better connect with them and engage them for longer – giving them the best possible chance of excelling.
Watch this video to find out what we do best…

What we do
We provide safe spaces on-site, offsite and residentially for young people in a variety of areas including…
- Offsite & onsite alternative provision
- High quality residential and bespoke care packages
- Transitions from registered care services onto semi independent and through to adulthood
- In school mentors, intervention programmes & workshops
- Re-engage children in learning & supporting transition into school
- Pre and post 16 NEET programmes
- Traineeships and Apprenticeships
- Exploitation & crisis support
- Supporting & educating LGBTQ+
"We won't stop until every young person in the United Kingdom has access to a loving home, quality care, emotional support and the tools needed to write their own storyy."

The numbers
What We Do
Our Supported Accommodation (16+) and Residential Children’s Homes are Ofsted registered; our Training and Apprenticeship sector is Ofsted regulated too!

Our learning drivers.
The tools to write their Storyy.
Using our own experience and in-depth research, we’ve defined six key learning drivers that make life better for young people – improving their wellbeing, confidence and attitude towards learning. You’ll find these learning drivers rooted into each of our companies.
Schools, Academy Trusts, Local Authorities and Organisations we are supporting