Outreach & Interventions.

Under the umbrella of alternative provision, we offer a variety of bespoke interventions and outreach services.  This includes both planned and crisis interventions and can take place inside and outside of the home and within school settings. We are also able to deliver workshops and assemblies in schools on knife crime, county lines, youth violence, gangs and exploitation.

We are currently offering FREE Act Now assemblies to schools! These cover topics such as knife crime, county lines, drug running, gang involvement, sexual exploitation and LGBTQIA+ topics. Get in touch and book your school assembly today.

Lee Barefoot, Account Manager

Lee brings over two decades of experience in working with people, managing, and developing Alternative Provision and Outreach services. As the Account Manager for Alternative Provision, Lee is committed to ensuring that each young person receives the appropriate support and opportunities for a brighter future. Please get in touch with Lee if you wish to book an Outreach session or take advantage of our free assemblies. 

Our Outreach & Intervention Services

Outreach & Transition

We offer a tailored outreach and transition service that caters to individual requirements. Our services encompass a range of scenarios, including supporting children and young people with Emotional Based School Avoidance. In these cases, we assist with the transition from home to school by establishing initial relationships within the safe confines of the home environment. 

We then work closely with the child or young person to facilitate their transition into the school environment. Additionally, we provide support during school holidays to ensure ongoing communication with alternate provision staff or to offer respite assistance to families. Moreover, we extend respite support to families facing crises, which can be availed after school hours and beyond typical working hours.

School & Group Interventions

Professional Workshops: Gain awareness and understanding of exploitation and extremism. Equip adults with tools to engage with and support young people involved in gangs, violence, and extremism.

Assemblies: Presentations on knife crime, youth violence, county lines, drugs, youth exploitation, gang involvement, and extremism. Debunk myths and media glamorization of destructive lifestyles.

Critical Workshops: Increase young people’s knowledge and perception of destructive choices, realities, and consequences through relatable mentoring and lived experiences.

Boxing Intervention Programme: Use cognitive behavioural therapy principles and boxing training to engage students, promoting self-discipline, resilience, and discussing topics like discipline, accountability, respect, and decision making.

1:1 Mentoring: Provide personalised support to at-risk and hard-to-reach students, reducing challenging behaviours and covering various aspects of lifestyle choices, realities, and consequences through relatable mentoring and lived experiences.

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Storyys of our young people

We work with local authorities, schools, teachers, parents and social-care institutes to engage young people in learning and put them on the path for an incredible future. By tapping into children’s interests, we’re able to better connect with them and engage them for longer – giving them the best possible chance of excelling.

Sam’s Storyy

Ali’s Storyy

Mark’s Storyy

Alice’s Storyy


We have multiple settings for primary and secondary age young people, find out more.

We have a selection of children’s homes and supported accommodation services.