Discover Our Alternative Provision Packages

Here at Storyy Group, we pride ourselves in offering flexible Alternative Provision services for young people. With this in mind, we have devised a range of packages to cater to the needs of individuals, ensuring they receive the best support possible to help them transition and reintegrate back into mainstream education.

Our packages

Twelve Week Reintegration Programme

We aim to reintegrate a young person back into mainstream education or SEN within 12 weeks. This is done through: SEMH focused activities, SMART targets based on EHCP outcomes, positive behaviour strategies, PHSE-based learning, routines, transition support, cross-circular links, reading time, reflective journeys, Liversavers – Money Matters, online learning programs (maths, reading, spelling) and project-based learning.

Outreach & Respite

We will support schools and young people to raise awareness and prevent exclusions or refusal. Three subject areas will be delivered to educate young people about exploitation, drug and knife crime, challenging behaviours, mental well-being, relationships and sex education. These topics include: Prevention (assemblies, class-based workshops, cross-circular links, PSHE and social stories), Intervention (small group mentoring, behaviour intervention support and boxing intervention support), Crisis (1-to-1 mentoring in school or offsite, SEMH focused and classroom support).

Academic Qualification Pathway

We will provide academic support through a qualification pathway. A qualification or award can be achieved via: ASDAN and AQA pathways, City and Guilds diploma qualifications, Functional Skills (maths and English), cross-circular links, social stories, catch up & intervention, reading, NEET learner programs, apprenticeship pathways and online learning programs. Depending on the level of engagement and ability, we can implement a blend of academic tutors, online learning platforms and mentoring via lessons provided by the on-roll school.

SEMH Support Provision

We will support a young person through SEMH-focused activities and help prepare them for their next setting. This will be achieved through: trips & visits, Alternative Provision activities based on interests, PSHE and SEMH focused activities, positive behaviour strategies, pledges, student voice, events & performances, competitions & quizzing, mental well-being workshops and life skills learning.

Awaiting Placement

We will provide SEN-focused support for young people awaiting a placement at a specialist Alternative Provision. This will be achieved through: 1-to-1 support, sensory-based and phonics activities, PECS and sign support, SEMH focused activities, sensory circuits and occupational therapy support.

We help to develop a positive attitude!

We want to help young people form a confident and healthy relationship with learning, so that they can grasp new skills and apply them throughout their school years and beyond. We encourage these positive attitudes through Shared Values (kindness, tolerance, inclusivity, safety, respect and responsibility) and Learning Drivers (resilience, personal best, problem-solving, team player mentality and self-regulation).


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